Mayfran Accessories - Add value to your business !
Mayfran accessories are created as your machine or system is developed and are therefore tailored to each individual application. Alongside this Mayfran accessories always embrace the latest technology ensuring the end result is always state-of the-art. Our accessories program is tailored to your needs based on decades of experience in many industries, such as the machine tool, aerospace and automotive. Existing technology can be upgraded for your individual needs and with optimal solutions. We would be pleased to support you throughout the entire life cycle of your machine or plant!
Uzupełniający układ obejścia do oczyszczania chłodziwa
Agregaty wysokoprężne do chłodzenia bezpośredniego wrzecion obrabiarek
Automatyczna regulacja ilości i stanu chłodziwa do obrabiarek
Odpieniacz rurowy W40
Do usuwania oleju z powierzchni czynników ciekłych
Bariera osadowa
Skuteczne usuwanie osadów i oleju